Meeting on 15 April 2014
Present: Ditte, Samira, Farah, Scott, Peter, Alexandra, Flore, Andrew.
Mother’s Day (My Body My Rights)
Upcoming events
Next meeting
Other business
Re 1: Hans was contacted by the secretariat about a project called Flygtningestemmer (Voices of Refugees).
Artists include Søs Fenger, Julie Berthelsen, Julie Maria, Steffen Westmark, Tue West, Frederik Vedersøe, Sara Grabow, Sys Bjerre, Ida Gard, Jonas Rendbo, Freya and Bryan Rice.
There will be a concert on 6 June – if we can find volunteers to help arrange things and if we can find funding. Hans will contact the secretariat again but we are quite reluctant, given (among other things) the cost of a concert of this kind. There also seems to be a personpower issue – few of those present would be able to be present on 6 June. Hans will contact the two local Amnesty Youth groups to find out if there is interest.
If there is something else we could do to support it, that would be an idea. But at present it is unlike that we find the resources to do this.
Re 2: There will be an event in the campaign My Body My Rights on 9 May. We should get in touch with local florists and chocolate shops and let them hand out our campaign material and show our poster and have some of us present on 10 May (or 11 May for the shops that are open on that day) for an hour or so. Peter has ordered the campaign material from the secretariat and will e-mail us about the campaign material once it arrives.
Farah will contact the florist in Gistrup. Hans will ask a florist in Nørresundby. Ditte will ask a florist in Svenstrup. Alexandra and Flore will ask the florists in Vejgaard. Peter will ask florists on Hasserisgade.
We are also going to have a movie night on 6 May with a documentary about Nepal and Uganda and another movie night on a later date. We are going to invite the Youth groups as well.
Re 3: On 16 and 17 May Karolinelund will be hosting the Diversity Day. Should we be present? Peter will ask for more information – and if we go, we should use the same campaign material as the week before.
On 31 May in the afternoon there is a joint celebration at the Omni House with food from Indonesia. We can bring campaign material and set up a stall. Peter and Ditte will take care of this.
Re 4: Our next meeting should be a meeting for all members held in May (we suggest 25 May in the afternoon) and someone from the secretariat should be involved; Hans will contact the secretariat asap.
Re 5: We should have a local calendar (integrated with the blog). Hans will find out how. An online forum would also be a good idea – a closed Facebook might be a good idea. Hans will check this.
A summer party on Saturday 28 June. Samira will arrange this.
Scott will find out more about the LGBT posters.
We talked about having more regular meetings. We need to think about the structure; Hans promises to think about this.
Til stede: Ditte, Samira, Farah, Scott, Peter, Alexandra, Flore, Andrew.
Mors dag (My Body My Rights)
- Kommende begivenheder
Næste møde.
ad 1: Hans er blevet kontaktet af sekretariatet om projektet Flygtningestemmer
med sange skrevet af flygtninge.
Musikere er Søs Fenger, Julie Berthelsen, Julie Maria, Steffen Westmark, Tue West, Frederik Vedersøe, Sara Grabow, Sys Bjerre, Ida Gard, Jonas Rendbo, Freya og Bryan Rice.
Der bliver en koncert rundt om i landet den 6. juni – hvis vi kan finde frivillige og kan betale for det hele. Hans vil kontakte sekretariatet igen; men vi er noget skeptiske, givet (blandt andet) hvor meget dette vil kræve. Hans kontakter youth-grupperne for at høre om de er interesserede.
Hvis der var noget andet, vi kunne gøre i stedet, ville det være en idé. Men lige nu ser det desværre ud til at resurserne ikke er der.
ad 2: Der bliver en event i kampagnen My Body My Rights den 9. maj. Vi skal kontakte lokale blomsterhandlere og chokoladeforretninger og bede dem have vores kampagnemateriale og underskriftslister og at lade os komme fordi den 10. eller 11. maj i en times tid. Peter har bestilt materialet fra sekretariatet og vil maile os når det kommer.
- Farah: Gistrup.
- Hans: Nørresundby.
- Ditta: Svenstrup.
- Alexandra og Flore: Svenstrup.
- Peter: Hasserisgade.
Vi holder filmaften den 6. maj med dokumentarfilm om Nepal og Uganda og endnu en filmaften sneere. Vi inviterer youth-grupperne.
ad 3: Den 16. og 17. maj skal Karolinelund danne rammen om Mangfoldighedsdagen. Peter vil bede om flere oplysninger – hvis vi skal være med, skal vi bruge samme kampagnemateriale som ugen før (om My Body My Rights).
Den 31. maj er der en fest på Omnihuset med mad fra Indonesien. Peter og Ditte vil tage sig af dette.
ad 4: Næste møde bliver et medlemsmøde for alle medlemmer til maj (vi foreslår 25. maj om eftermiddagen) og vi bør have en fra sekretariatet. Hans kontakter sekretariatet snarest.
ad 5: Vi skal have en lokalkalender, integreret. Hans finder ud af mere. Et onlineforum ville være godt. Hans finder ud af mere.
Der er sommerfest den 28. juni. Samira arrangerer den.
Scott finder ud af mere om LGBT-plakaterne.
Vi talte om at have mere regelmæssige møder og at planlægge dem bedre. Nu bliver lokalforeningen nedlagt og vi skal nu tænke over hvordan vi bliver en passende struktureret gruppe. Hans lover at tænke over hvad vi mon kan gøre.